We, the Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk in India, as an apostolic body in the Church are called to be contemplatives in action, walking the way of Jesus in solidarity with those most in need. Following the spirit of St. Angela and Fr. John Lambertz; we are inspired to read the signs of the times and to listen to what the Spirit is telling in us in the present context of India. We find that rapid technological change has created a world marked by opposition. Globalization, religious fundamentalism, consumerism and ethnic nationalism are powerful forces confronting us today. The media has a great impact on the lives of our students. The privileged classes want to maintain their privileges. We also see poverty, illiteracy, exploitation, especially of women and children, terrorism, casteism, religious persecution, economic marginalization, environmental degradation and displacement of peoples.St. Angela’s love for God and Fr. John Lambertz’s deep faith in Him remain as a dynamic force in us to encounter the compassionate love of the Father that liberates the down trodden and gives them the hope of new life. To give life ad to have it to the full; we are called in a special way through our ministry of education. True to the charism of our founders we need to discern and respond to the changing needs of the people. Our ministry of education aims at accompanying persons to fullness of life and integral development, especially those belonging to the marginalised and exploited of society. This ministry demands of us all a high intellectual standard ad a value system to find meaning in life. Our education should enable people to become effective agents of social change, and persons with and for others. Therefore, We guide our students to an awareness of God through our spiritual leadership preparing them for an adult response in faith.

  • We provide systematic religious programme & opportunities for students to integrate their faith, culture and daily living.
  • We foster unity of mind and heart in today’s cultural context of India. An Ursuline School/College is a home where every student is loved and respected.
  • We along with our lay collaborators journey with young people of our time with greater commitment to provide an education that will enable the youth to be physically strong (healthy), intellectually empowered, emotionally mature, spiritually nurtured and sensitive to the social issues.
  • we commit ourselves to the education ad empowerment of girls and women in order to build family, community and society.
  • We through our ministry of education are called to be reconcilers in a fragmented world.